Baaghi 3 director Ahmed Khan and wife Shaira threw an intimate bash for the cast and crew of the film, on Friday. The do saw the presence of Tiger Shroff and mother Ayesha, Disha Patani, Shraddha Kapoor, Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, Sajid and Warda Nadiadwala, Jaideep Ahlawat, Manav Gohil and wife Shweta Kawatra, and Satish Kaushik, among others.
A source tells mid-day, “The party was thrown at the Khans’ newly acquired palatial property in Royal Palms at Goregaon, which Ahmed has gifted Shaira for their 22nd wedding anniversary. It will also serve as their weekend getaway. There were mocktails, but no alcohol at the bash because Ahmed and Shaira don’t drink. On the drinks menu was virgin pina coladas, virgin mojitos and blue lagoons. An assorted variety of cakes was brought by guests. Shaira and Ahmed cut a red velvet one as they rung in their anniversary the next day.”
Shaira tells mid-day, “The Baaghi team celebrated the success of the trailer along with Ahmed, and my 22nd wedding anniversary. It also served as a house-warming party. Given that we are early risers, it served us well to have a non-alcoholic do.”