The latest announcement from Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment is that Chitrangda Singh will be the leading lady in the banner’s upcoming mystery film, Bob Biswas. Singh has been selective with her choices in cinema, so, this development comes as welcome news for fans of the actor.
Bob Biswas stars Abhishek Bachchan in the role of a ruthless assassin in a film being directed by Sujoy Ghosh’s daughter Diya Annapurna. Few details have been revealed about Singh’s character just yet. We are told that the actor is already in Kolkata, where she has been prepping for the film’s first schedule.
Says a source close to Singh, “Chitrangda has been drawn to good storytelling, and loved the script of Bob Biswas. This character of Biswas has been one of the most interesting ones to have emerged from Bollywood, recently.”
It had also been recently suggested that Singh is set to back the next edition of her franchise, Soorma.