Janhvi Kapoor shared a glimpse of her latest obsession on social media. And it’s not shoes as seen in the picture she posted. The actor is in love with her hair extensions that she donned for a ramp walk. She wrote, “Long hair, don’t care.”
In another photo, Kapoor shared that she will not get rid of them anytime soon and wrote, “Gonna wear these extensions to bed and forever. Goodnight (sic).” It is said that Kapoor loves long hair but as it’s quite a task to maintain it, she prefers to keep it shoulder-length.
On the work front, Janhvi Kapoor has quite a few big projects in her kitty. The actress was recently seen in the Netflix anthology, Ghost Stories, and her performance was quite liked by the audience. Janhvi now has films like Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl which is a biopic, Dostana 2 which is a romantic comedy, Takht which is an ensemble period drama, and Roohi Afzana which is a horror-comedy. There are also talks that Janhvi might work with Varun Dhawan in his upcoming flick Mr Lele. Seems like Janhvi is keen on acting in different genres and portraying varied roles in her films!