Just in time for Valentine’s Day, our first look at Robert Pattinson as Batman has arrived. The Batman director Matt Reeves posted a very mysterious, very dark look at the Caped Crusader in a 56-second camera test on Vimeo, which he then shared wide in a tweet, captioned only with the hashtags #TheBatman and #CameraTest.
The first ten seconds of the clip are black, but slowly, tinted red, our hero appears: First his blurry chest plate comes into focus, Bat-insignia glimmering; then the camera pans up to his shoulder, a glimpse of a cape; and then, around the 33-second mark, Batman’s face begins to come into view. He’s masked, of course, with his eyes and nose covered to protect his identity, but as his head slowly lifts (42 seconds in) Pattinson’s unmistakable jawline reveals itself, and the red light shines just so — giving us but three seconds of euphoria before the clip cuts back to black.
It’s very dramatic, and it’s a total a tease — mere breadcrumbs meant to satiate us until more substantial images drop — but it’ll have to do. Check it out above.
And just in case you blinked, couldn’t pause the video in time, or just want more of an opportunity to ogle, please enjoy this (slightly brightened) screenshot of the next iteration of the Dark Knight below.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, not only is this a glimpse at Pattinson’s Batman, but it’s also a sneak peek at the general feel we can expect from the movie. The test was filmed by cinematographer Greig Fraser and uses music from composer Michael Giacchino, both of whom are hard at work on The Batman, which began filming in London last month.
Hopefully this is the first look of many — and maybe next time we’ll be blessed with visions of Zoe Kravitz’s Catwoman, Paul Dano’s Riddler, Colin Farrell’s Penguin, John Turturro’s Carmine Falcone, Jeffrey Wright’s Commissioner Gordon, and/or Andy Serkis’s lovable Alfred. Otherwise we’ll all be doomed to wait to see more of The Batman when it hits theaters in June 2021.