On Tuesday evening, Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan made a stunning appearance together at Armaan Jain and Anissa Malhotra’s wedding reception in Mumbai. Along with them, a lot of Bollywood stars embraced the function and had a gala time together.
For the wedding reception, Shah Rukh Khan looked handsome as ever in an all-black outfit and Gauri turned heads with a shimmery silver gown. The King and Queen of Bollywood shook a leg together on peppy Bollywood numbers like Kajra Re and Sadi Galli. The videos of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan dancing to the tunes of these songs are going viral on the internet.
During their dance performance, SRK sported a fake moustache and his chemistry with Gauri Khan in the song Sadi Galli reminded us of their younger days. The couple performed Kajra Re with their best friend Karan Johar who as usual danced happily and gracefully. We can’t get enough of these videos and it is truly a delight for all SRK-Gauri fans to watch them dance together.
Watch the videos below:
On the work front, Shah Rukh has not yet announced his next film yet. He was last seen in Aanand L Rai’s Zero in 2018. On his birthday last year in November, SRK said that he will announce his upcoming projects in the coming 2-3 months. However, the superstar is yet to do the same. But there are reports that Khan will finally collaborate with Rajkumar Hirani for a film together. But neither the actor nor the director has confirmed the same.
Which performance of SRK-Gauri did you like from the videos above? Let us know in the comments section below.