Shah Rukh Khan fans have been impatiently waiting for the actor to announce his next. Well, no one knows when that is going to happen. However, we have an interesting and hilarious piece of news for you guys which will definitely make you LOL!
A video featuring journalist Anupama Chopra is going viral on the internet in which she reveals the weirdest script that was read to SRK. The superstar had told about this script to the journalist in an interview.
Chopra said that 10 years ago when she was writing a book on Shah Rukh Khan, she had asked him about the most absurd script that was offered to him. That’s when Shah Rukh Khan told her that one day, a bearded and arty type director came to him and pitched him a story in which his character becomes a gangster after he can’t marry the girl he loves.
She shared, “The girl, on the other hand, has married a cop. At some point, the cop starts chasing the gangster, oblivious to the fact that the duo were ex-lovers. After some time, the cop shoots the gangster. Wounded, he somehow takes refuge in a train. As luck would have it, the woman is travelling on the same train. The gangster is lying there, unable to find water. Then, the woman breastfeeds him and thereby a brother-sister relationship is formed!”
When Shah Rukh Khan questioned the director about the weird ending stating, “Don’t you think that’s an odd scene?”, the filmmaker told him, “What a dirty mind you have!”
Watch the video below:
please watch the whole thing. i’m literally dying of laughter ???
— ? (@satarangire) February 2, 2020
Well, we can’t stop laughing after knowing this. We wonder how SRK handled the director and what he must be doing now!