With an amazing 2019, Ananya Panday has marked her debut with a lot of appreciation and box office hits. The actress has become a fashion icon for the younger generation and never fails to make a statement with her sartorial choices. Recently, she slayed in a black slit gown at Filmfare Awards Curtain Raiser 2020 event. Taking to her social media, she shared “She’s not fragile like a flower, she’s fragile like a bomb [sic]”
Dressed in an all-black and a long full sleeves slit gown with a light red bow, Ananya paired it with black heels, a light red lipstick with subtle and natural makeup.
Ananya attended a youth summit in Bengaluru where she talked about social media bullying and So Positive, her DSR initiative. The actress has a packed 2020 and has been constantly juggling with her schedule and ensures to make her work graph better every passing day. With back to back promising performances, and also continuing the So Positive DSR campaign in full force, Ananya is emerging as a promising name in the industry and the frenzy around her is proof!
On the work front, Ananya Panday will also be seen alongside Ishaan Khatter in Khaali Peeli which is all set to release this year and the second film whose name is yet to be revealed but we will be seeing Ananya sharing the screen with Siddhant Chaturvedi and Deepika Padukone.